Workshop proceedings will be published as a volume in the
Springer Verlag Lecture Notes In Computer Science
series (volume number to be determined). A small number of papers will be invited to be
expanded for publication in the
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics.
The deadline for submitting completed manuscripts is March 20, 2008. Failure to meet this
deadline may result in your paper being omitted from the proceedings.
Page Limits: Several authors have inquired about page limits for these proceedings.
It is understood that the final version of the manuscript might expand due to formatting changes
or content added at the suggestion of reviewers. However, try to keep your final
version to at most 15 pages. Papers that exceed this limit may be subject to an
excess-page charge of $100 per page.
Please visit the Springer
Information for
LNCS Authors page for instructions about preparing your manuscript for publication in the
proceedings. Note that Springer will need to receive your source files, any necessary font and
style files, as well as a final pdf version that you have created and checked.
When all of your files are ready, send the manuscript as a compressed tar file attachment on an
email to Please include the first author's name and a short
version of the title in your email heading.
You must also fill out the copyright transfer form and send by FAX or physical mail to Anne Torrey,
Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002 (FAX +1-413-542-2550).
If you have technical questions about the preparation of your manuscript, please send
email to
Authors invited to prepare a manuscript for ACM Journal on Experimental Algorithmics
will receive instructions about using the JEA manuscripton submission system.