Contribute a Lab
Here's how to do it.
- Make a lab containing:
- A main page: Use this template, and name
it index.html. Follow the examples in the other labs. It should
contain links to all resources you want to provide.
- Files and data: We prefer that you store your stuff on your own site, but
will provide depository services if necessary.
- A list of papers that describe what is known about the algorithm,
data structure, or problem.
- Put it all in a tar file
- Send it to Cathy. If you are a human (not a web-bot), you should be
able to figure out my email address.
Other Ways to Contribute
Here are some other ways you can help to build AlgLab into a full-service resource for teaching and research.
- Teaching materials. Do you have an assignment or handout involving one of the labs that might be useful for courses
- Links to published papers. Do you know of a good introduction to the algorithm and/or
previous experimental analysis?
- Code. Have you implemented other versions of the algorithm? Competing algorithms?
- Instances and Input Generators. Always welcome. Please include: a justification that explains why
the inputs/generators are interesting; a description of the input format (if it doesn't match AlgLab conventions), or
a format conversion program; sample outputs or certificates of correctness for some of the inputs, to allow others to check correctness.