
Week 1 (Sept 5) Overview of the Internet: Who's in Charge

What are the parts of the Internet? Who runs it, who regulates it? A small example controversy: ICANN and the domain name system.

Week 2 (Sept 10) Overview of the Internet: How it Works

Introduction to the Internet protocol stack. A controversy at the network (IP) layer: Net Neutrality.

W3 (S17) Reliability of Information

What kind of information is out there on the Internet? How much can you trust the information you find? Critiques of Google; of Wikipedia and nonauthoritative web sources.

W4 (S24) Open Source and Copyright -- the Smackdown

What can be copyrighted? How do you get a copyright? What is fair use? What is the difference between source code and machine code? What is open source? Which is more appropriate for source code: copyright or copyleft? Will open source ruin civilization?

W5 (O1) Downloading Music and Video

Music and video are certainly copyrightable. What are your rights and responsibilities regarding Peer to Peer (P2P) networks and music downloads? What are the responsibilities and policies of service providers such as uTube, myspace, and Amherst College, regarding your (possibly illegal) activities? Are these rights and responsibilities appropriate?

W5.5 (O8 Fall Break) How to Make Web Content

We meet Thursday only.

W6 (O15) Code as Free Speech

Some say the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) imposes an unconstitutional restraint on free speech, because code is speech. This belief has turned a civil protest. Who's right, who's wrong? How might you use the web to protest something effectively?

W7 (O22) Student Presentations and Lab

Student websites were due last Friday. We meet in 014 Seeley Mudd this week.

W8 (O29) Privacy Overview

What is privacy? What are the Internet threats to privacy? Privacy policy and privacy law, and strategies for ensuring privacy is protected.

W9 (N5) Protecting Your Privacy: Browsers and Email

How public key encryption (PKE) works. How PKE is used in browsers (RSA, SSL) and email (PGP). Some problems that encryption can't solve: cookies, spyware, spam.

W10 (N12) Databases and Identity Theft

Privacy threats from online corporate and government databases. Identity theft.

Thanksgiving Week

W11 (N26) Security vs Surveillance

How and why people monitor your network and break in to your computer. A battle between good and evil, but which is which?

Third paper assignment is due. Fourth assignment is handed out.

W12 (D3) Internet and National Security

How to protect the Internet (and its users) from terrorists and criminal types. What are the dangers?

W13 (D10) Student Presentations