
FYS 22 Internet Controversies

First Paper Assignment

Your assignment is to write a paper describing some proposed modification to the Internet (or its use). Include as much technical detail as you can, and discuss the implications and the merits of the proposal.

Avoid the temptation to argue passionately for one side or the other (you will be invited do that in a later assignment). The purpose here is to educate someone (a fellow student) on what the controversy is all about, and to present the implications of adopting (or rejecting) the proposal, from both a technical and social viewpoint. If a full discussion of all implications would take too much space, it is ok to restrict your attention to smaller categories. For example, you might discuss the proposal from an economic or legal standpoint, or its effect on civil liberties, privacy, or the social order. Mention any technical reasons why it could or could not work.

Here are some suggested topics. (If you have an idea for an alternative topic, it is probably fine, but ask me first.)

The First Draft of this paper is due on Tuesday, September 25th, in class. I will give the paper to another student, together with a questionnaire, for comments (and of course you will receive somebody else's paper). Peer responses are due on Thursday: the idea is to use those comments to improve your paper. If you prefer, you can make your first draft anonymous by omitting your real name; but you do have to provide some sort of fake name so I know who to return it to.

The final paper is due Tuesday, October 2nd. Turn in the paper together with your first draft and the comments from the other student that you received. The final paper should contain at most 2500 words. It will be graded on syntax, structure, and style, as follows.