
FYS 22 Internet Controversies

The FYS 22 Internet News Service

Lets make an Internet News Clipping Service Wikki! Everybody gets to contribute at least two news articles that are relevant to topics discussed in this course.

The Amherst College Library has online subscriptions to several national newspapers, listed here: (Library Home/Research and Using the Library/News). You are welcome to use other sources, but be sure the text can be accessed by other students in the class.

The list below assigns you a remaining week in the semester (2-3 students per week). When your assigned week arrives, please scan online newspapers for articles that are relevant to this course. For each article you find, add an entry to the FYS News Page with a link to that article. Try to keep the articles organized neatly under the topic headings that I have provided. You must add your entry within 24 hours of the last day assigned to you.

Your contribution to the class Wikki will count 20 points towards your ``class participation'' grade. Please post at least two relevant articles from the week's news; each post will get the full 10 points (maximum total 20 points) if it is relevant and useful (to another student in the class who might be writing a paper on the subject). Additional articles are fine, but please don't spam us -- be selective.

Here are the weekly assignments. The project stops 10 days before classes end, so you can incorporate this information into your third paper.

How to Edit the FYS News Page