
Networking Protocols

Sit down at one of the computers and log in. This worksheet contains a series of questions for you to answer, using the networking tools on the system (and working on your own). Please turn in your answers to the questions below on Thursday, Sept 13th. This worksheet will count for 10 points in your class participation score.

Some Interesting Network Addresses

You can use these IP numbers and names in the activities below. It is fine to use others that you know of, but some sites may not cooperate.
Domain Name IP Number DNS server What it is
www.cs.amherst.edu Math/CS department
cs.umass.edu A mile away
www.cpsr.org Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.
www2.usp.br University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
www.dagstuhl.de Dagstühl Research Center, Germany
www.gis.edu.gh Ghana International School, Accra, Ghana
www.doshisha.ac.jp Doshisha University, Japan

Application Layer: Domain Name System

Sit down at any computer and login. Open Finder/Applications/Utilities/Network Utility.

Click on Lookup. In the menu, select Any/All Information. The Lookup server will accept either a domain name or an IP number, and it tells you where to find the DNS server for that address. The IP numbers of the lookup servers associated with the address will appear in the Answer Section.

Task 1. For each address in the list above, find a host that performs the DNS service. (You will also be asked to find IP numbers for the actual hosts, below.)

Transport Layer: TCP

The TCP protocol keeps track of which packets go to which applications using socket numbers (also called port numbers) to identify categories of applications. The common application protocols are on the List of Well Known Ports, maintained by IANA, a subcommittee of ICANN. For example, HTTP is always assigned to Port 80 or 81.

Task 2. Open your favorite browser. Surf the web to find out answers to these questions:

  1. How many Well Known Ports are there in the IANA standard?
  2. What is the Well Known Port Number for SMTP, the email server transfer protocol?
  3. What is the Well Known Port Number for TCP?

Network Layer: IP

The Network Utility program has several tools that can tell you about IP.


Click on the Ping button on top. Type cs.umass.edu in the window, and click the Ping button on the right.

The ping program sends a packet to the destination host requesting that it send you 10 test packets, one per second. What you see in the window is the packet information as they arrive. The rightmost column tells you how much time the test packet took to reach you, in milliseconds (thousandths of seconds). After all ten packets arrive, you can see the min, max, and average round trip times.

Task 3. What is the farthest-away host you can find, in terms of round trip time? (Write down the URL and the round trip time.)


The Traceroute program sends three probe packets to the specified destination, and it asks every Internet router encountered on the way to send back a reply message. What you see are the replies from the routers, in order from nearest to farthest. You will see both internal routers (working within a network) and gateway routers (working at network borders). If a router fails to reply within a time limit, a "*" is printed. Each row shows:

Task 4: Try running traceroute with a variety of network addresses.

  1. What are the IP numbers of the network addresses listed in the table above?
  2. How many different networks, and how many different routers, does a packet sent to the west coast USA typically travel over?
  3. Name two networking companies used in other countries.


Now try the netstat program. Select Display routing table information to see the IP routing table for this computer. Select Display comprehensive network statistics to see usage statistics for the protocols that use IP on this computer.

Task 5. Find out the answers to these questions.

  1. How many different routers does this computer know about?
  2. Is tcp the biggest network user on this machine, counting both packets sent and received? If not, what is?
  3. How many tcp packets arrived out-of-order?

Data Link Layer: Ethernet LAN

Now open the program Applications/Utilities/X11. A little window will pop up. In the window, type /usr/local/bin/wireshark. Ignore the Permission Denied message and wait -- the program takes a little while to start.

Wireshark can capture Ethernet frames that are sent to and from computers on your local network. Note that IT has blocked Wireshark so you can't see HTTP and SMTP frames that do not involve your computer (but it is technically possible to see everything on the network).

Task 6.
  1. If you click on Protocol you can sort by protocol name. Do that, then scroll down to find the HTTP frames you generated. Your computer was either the Source or the Destination in all these frames. What is the IP number of the computer you are using?
  2. Scroll to see the DNS and MDNS packets generate by your browser to locate IP numbers for addresses you typed in. What was the destination of these packets?
  3. Find some frames that do not involve your computer as either the source or destination. Name two protocols used to send these frames.

When you are finished, close all windows and Log Out of this computer.

Physical Layer

Visit my Museum of Transmission Media before you leave.