
Using Library Search Tools at Amherst College

On Thursday, September 20th, we will meet in the Lane Room at Frost Library. From the main entrance, go down the stairs on your right, one floor; the Lane room is on the left.

To prepare for the class, pretend that you have to write a paper on the topic described below. Use your best web search skills to find two good online sources of information about the topic. Bring a paper to class describing your experience:

The Hypothetical Paper Topic

Describe how modern email service should be understood within the history and evolution of mail services in general. Choose a specific aspect or property of mail service, such as how (and how much) society uses it and expects it to work; how the service is administered; laws about mail; pricing schemes; international developments; etc. Write a 100 page paper (just kidding) tracing the history of that particular property of mail services, and explain how modern email fits within that historical context.