

First Assignment

This assignment has two parts: the group project and your individual work. Your grade for this assignment will be the average of your group project and your paper.

The Group Project due Thursday October 3rd

Here's what you need to turn in for the group project. Everyone in the group will get the same grade. If it turned out that you contributed less to coding in this round, you can make it up by taking over the bulk of the manual-writing responsibilities outlined below. I will let you know if I think there is a large imbalance in the overall level of contribution/engagement of individuals within a group. Slackers will not get points off on this project grade, but I will expect you to contribute more to your next project, to balance things out.

Here's what you turn in.

  1. The code for your beat-autocorrect program. It should be reasonably efficient, robust, and show excellent java coding style. Also, could you please include comments in the code indicating who wrote (or co-wrote) the individual modules.

  2. A Maintainer's Manual that a future programmer could use to modify or fix your code. This manual should contain
    1. An overview of the main components of the system and how they work together. Call them by name (i.e. readLexicon instead of the Lexicon Input component), so the manual-reader can figure out what code section to look at.
    2. For each major component, a description of the interface: what values are provided and what values are returned, by name.
    3. For each major component, a description of how it works, what assumptions are made, what exceptions and failures can arise, and so forth. Ideally this part would have a guide to troubleshooting.

  3. A User Manual that tells the user how to use it, what to expect, what might go wrong, etc. It doesn't have to be very big, but it should be useful.

  4. Your group will also make a (30 minute or so) presentation in class on Thursday, October 3. Describe, for the other teams, your solution strategy, what features you decided to emphasize, maybe a summary of your benchmark tests, and other things that might interest the class. Powerpoint would be excellent! We can hold class in 007 if you would prefer.

Individual Paper due Tuesday, October 8th

Your paper will be graded on both content and writing style. Your assignment is to carry out some type of experimental evaluation of the code developed by your group, and to write a paper describing your results. The results should be based on numerical data that you collect, not just qualitative observations. I'm thinking lots of graphs and charts. Here are some ideas for paper topics.

What I Hope You Learned From this Project

Lessons to be carried into the next project.
  1. Real world problems are messy. They don't fit exactly into our abstract algorithm categories, and often involve ill-defined objectives. So it's not always about knowing which algorithm from your repertoire to apply; its about cobbling together algorithmic ideas into something that might work.

  2. Instead of implementing one program, you (a group) have to implement a set of modules using different languages and tools. Clarity about interface design is important.

  3. All those noises we professors make about well-designed (maintainable), correct, robust code are important here.